Alabama Supreme Court rules embryos created via IVF are human children

IVF:Alabama Supreme Court makes a ruling. Human children are produced from IVF embryos.

Alabama Supreme Court rules frozen embryos are 'children' | KXAN Austin


Last Thursday, the Alabama Supreme Court decided that human embryos developed by in vitro fertilisation should be regarded as legally protected children under the state’s wrongful death laws and the Alabama Constitution.

The case LePage v. Mobile Infirmary Clinic, Inc. started when a client managed to gain access to The Centre for Reproductive Medicine at the Mobile Infirmary Medical Centre and handle the frozen embryos of multiple couples, which led to their destruction.


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The couples claimed in their complaint that the state’s wrongful death legislation entitled the embryos to human status. The Supreme Court’s 8-1 judgement reversed a lower court’s determination that the embryos were not human beings.

Additionally, the court maintained

The Sanctity of Life Amendment to the Alabama Constitution, which was approved in 2018, mandated that the court decide in favour of the preborn, which the court also upheld. “The public policy of this state to recognise and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life,” according to the amendment, is


How Alabama's Frozen Embryo Ruling Could Impact IVF Treatments

“The Wrongful Death of a Minor Act is broad and lacks specificity. It is universally applicable to all children, whether born and unborn. This Court is not in the position to create a new restriction based on our

This ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court upholds the scientific fact that fertilisation marks the beginning of a new human life. Every human being, from the smallest embryo to the elderly man reaching the end of his life, has immeasurable worth and is entitled to legal protection. This decision, which concerned a wrongful-death lawsuit filed by parents against a fertility centre for allegedly failing to provide adequate care for the deaths of their offspring, appropriately recognised the humanity of unborn children conceived via in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and marks a significant advancement towards implementing universal protecti

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