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I’m hoping to get my degree at the end of the year or at the latest in the March graduation next year. It has been a very tough experience physically and mentally to balance both. I must give

credit to the physio department at Stellenbosch University, they have been very supportive throughout the years. This is my sixth year of studying and having to postpone things that can’t be completed in time because of my rugby obligations. Equally I have to give a lot of thanks to Dobbo [head coach John Dobson] and the rest of the coaches for supporting me to be able to do this. It has taken a lot of sacrifice on both sides, but the end is very close. It has been a lot of late nights and early mornings. I feel it has made me a better player by instilling work ethic and discipline, but it is also very taxing. I can’t remember the last time I had a proper holiday, whenever the rugby is off I shift focus to the studies.

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